The Highveld Garter Snake is secretive and seldom encountered. Juveniles have 16 – 23 pinkish or orange-yellow bands on the body and tail that fade with age. Adults are usually plain blackish brown or dark brown with a lighter belly while some may still have traces of banding.
Full Name: Highveld Garter Snake (Elapsoidea sundevallii media)
Other Names: Hoëveld Kousbandslang
Classification: VENOMOUS

The Highveld Garter Snake is secretive and seldom encountered. Juveniles have 16 – 23 pinkish or orange-yellow bands on the body and tail that fade with age. Adults are usually plain blackish brown or dark brown with a lighter belly while some may still have traces of banding.
It is a fossorial snake that may emerge at night from an underground shelter or deserted termite mounds. These snakes are quite placid and rarely bite. They feed on snakes, lizards and their eggs and frogs, especially rain frogs. Small rodents are also taken. Little is known about their venom and bites have caused nausea, vomiting, pain and swelling.