A harmless egg-eating snake that averages 75 cm but may exceed 1 m in length. It is active at night and is amazingly skilled at finding birds’ eggs. These snakes can be problematic for bird breeders as several eggs can be devoured in a single session.
Full Name: Brown Egg-eater (Dasypeltis inornata)
Other Names: Bruin Eiervreter
Classification: HARMLESS

A harmless egg-eating snake that averages 75 cm but may exceed 1 m in length. It is active at night and is amazingly skilled at finding birds’ eggs. These snakes can be problematic for bird breeders as several eggs can be devoured in a single session.
Eggs are swallowed whole, and the shell is cracked by special bony projections in the neck – the contents is swallowed, and the shell is regurgitated in a neat small package.
All of the egg-eating snakes have heavily keeled body scales. If cornered this snake puts up quite a show flattening its head exposing the upper lips and will strike quite viciously but lacks teeth.