A large scorpion of around 11 cm with the tail extended. It is usually yellow with a dark back and a lighter tipped stinger. This species is often glossy in appearance.
Full name: Kalahari Burrower (Opistophthalmus wahlbergii)
Classification: MILDLY VENOMOUS
A large scorpion of around 11 cm with the tail extended. It is usually yellow with a dark back and a lighter tipped stinger. This species is often glossy in appearance.
It is found in western Limpopo and the northern regions of the Northern Cape going up into Botswana and Namibia. It burrows in open sandy areas where the burrows may be up to a meter deep. They are often active at night.
It may be confused with other burrower scorpions but is the most common species in its range. The sting of this species may cause pain but is not medically important.