Terralog: Venomous Snakes of Africa


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This volume of TERRALOG is a presentation of the venomous snakes of Africa.
It portrays about 136 taxa and forms of the families Atractaspidae, Elapidae and Viperidae, and covers the entire African continent. Besides species that are illustrated in color photographs for the first time, this book also contains photographs of some undescribed forms.
This second volume of the TERRALOG series on venomous snakes of the world is dedicated to the venomous snakes of Africa as defined by political frontiers.
We have therefore omitted the species native to the Egyptian Sinai peninsula that are of Arabian or Oriental origins and will be covered in another volume of TERRALOG.
Exceptions are Echis coloratus and Walterinnesia aegyptia, which also occur in the Egyptian mainland.

Every photograph is accompanied by a symbol-based overview of the individual species terrarium requirements. Information on natural habitats and dietary preferences will contribute to their successful keeping and breeding in captivity.

With over 480 color photographs and 78 color maps this book is a very well illustrated reference guide for scientists as well as terrarium keepers.
At the same time it is a unique synopsis of the diversity of African venomous snakes that will excite and electrify everybody with an interest in those beautiful and fascinating snakes! 148 pages, hardcover.

Authors: Maik DobieyGernot Vogel 
ISBN 9873899733655
Format Hardcover
Publisher: Aqualog Verlag GmbH.
Release date: 2007
Pages: 148

African Snakebite Institute