Black-tailed Thicktail Scorpion

One of the smaller thicktail scorpions in southern Africa reaching a length of around 5 cm with the tail extended. It is usually pale orange with a darker back.

Full name: Black-tailed Thicktail Scorpion (Parabuthus laevifrons)

Classification: VENOMOUS

Map indicating distribution of the Black-tailed Thicktail Scorpion in Southern Africa

One of the smaller thicktail scorpions in southern Africa reaching a length of around 5 cm with the tail extended. It is usually pale orange with a darker back.

It occupies Karoo and rocky desert habitat and can be found under rocks, logs and other debris. It is widespread in central and southern Namibia, extending into northwestern South Africa. The black tail makes this species quite distinct.

The venom may be of medical importance, however, antivenom is not effective and the sting will be treated symptomatically.

African Snakebite Institute