The largest of our water snakes, averaging 30-60 cm but reaching 1.2 m in length. It is largely aquatic and favours pools and shaded streams where it often swims submerged. Although harmless the Dusky-bellied Water Snake bites readily.
Full Name: Dusky-bellied Water Snake (Lycodonomorphus laevissimus)
Other Names: Swartwaterslang
Classification: HARMLESS
The largest of our water snakes, averaging 30-60 cm but reaching 1.2 m in length. It is largely aquatic and favours pools and shaded streams where it often swims submerged. Although harmless the Dusky-bellied Water Snake bites readily.
It feeds on frogs, tadpoles and fish that it may swallow under water or carry to the edge of the water to swallow. Females produce 4 – 17 eggs. This snake is dark olive grey to brownish or black above with a cream to yellow belly that has dark blotches that often form a jagged broad band down the centre of the belly. The eyes are very prominent and are quite high up on the side of the head.