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We’re often asked about snakes and the danger levels assigned to them. Here’s some helpful info to explain the differences between Highly Venomous, Venomous, Mildly Venomous and Harmless.
Highly venomous
Highly venomous snakes are potentially deadly to humans. Bites from these snkaes, if left untreated, may result in death. Medical attention is required.
Antivenom is available for most of these snakes. Bite victims should be taken to hospital as soon as possible.
This group includes the Mambas, Cobras, Rinkhals, large Adders, Boomslang and Vine Snakes.
These snakes have venom and can inflct a painful bite that may require medical attention. The venom has not killed people, but be extra cautious with bites to small children. Bites usually result in pain, swelling and discolouration. Occassionally the venom causes necrosis and surgical intervention may be required. This group includes snakes such as Coral Snakes, Berg Adders, Night Adders and Stiletto Snakes. Bite victims should be taken to hospital. There is no antivenom for bites from these snakes and patients are treated symptomatically.
Mildly venomous
Mildly venomous snakes have enough venom to kill prey, but their venom has little effect on humans. These snakes have a mild venom and normally no medical treatment would be required. In some cases there may be mild swelling and itching, usually less than that of a bee sting. This group includes snakes such as the Herald Snake, Grass and Sand Snakes and Tiger Snakes .
These snakes are still able to bite, as they have teeth, but do not deliver venom. Bites may bleed slightly but there are no other symptoms. This group includes snakes such as the House Snakes, Slug-eaters, Egg-eaters, and the small green snakes in the genus Philothamnus.
Can inflict a nasty bite
Large non-venomous snakes such as an adult Mole Snake and Southern African Python can inflict a nasty bite, that may cause deep wounds and may require stitches.
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+27 60 957 2713
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+27 64 704 7229
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