ASIHA 17 December 2021

Public Meeting of the
African Snakebite Institute Herpetological Association







Friday, 17 December 2021

18:30 for 19:00

Cradle Moon Lakeside Lodge, Muldersdrift, Gauteng

Johan Marais

Herping with Giants

DATE: Friday, 30 April 2021

TIME: 18:30 for 19:00

VENUE: Cradle Moon Lakeside Lodge, Muldersdrift, Gauteng

GUEST SPEAKER: Professor Graham Alexander

Topic – The Biology of Puff Adders


Over the past 20 years, Johan has been rather fortunate to be in the field with the likes of the late Don Broadley, the late Bill Branch, the late John Visser, Marius Burger, Graham Alexander, Paul Moler, Randy Babb, Aaron Bauer, Gordon Setaro and Colin Tilbury, to mention but a few.

These were trips to Madagascar, Mexico, Florida, Arizona, Namibia, Angola, Mozambique, Malawi and Uganda. While many trips lasted a week or so, more were as long as six weeks. Join Johan for an interesting talk on these extraordinary trips.

Please note that bookings are essential. Entrance to the meeting/talk is free but everyone entering Cradle Moon must pay a R30.00 conservation fee.

Light meals and drinks will be available from the restaurant and will be for your own account.

Strict COVID19 regulations will be followed.

To book your spot, please complete a booking form below.

For any queries, please email Danielle on or contact her on 064 704 7229

African Snakebite Institute