Myths and Hoaxes

“The Black Mamba Snake”

Viral Posts

“The Black Mamba Snake”

Another viral image filled with misinformation. Firstly the photograph is not of a Black Mamba – looks like an Australian Red-bellied Black Snake. The Black Mamba is usually grey to olive grey in colour and rarely black. The name comes from the colour of the inside of the mouth which is usually an inky black. While the Black Mamba may well be one of the most dangerous snakes in the world, it is by no means an aggressive snake and for this reason very few people are bitten by this snake. In the wild it is very quick to escape but if cornered it will gape, exposing the black inner lining of the mouth and will not hesitate to strike, often more than once. A full bite from a Black Mamba is extremely serious and the victim will need to be hospitalised urgently. Problems with breathing may occur within half an hour. Please note that the Black Mamba does not chase people and if you are five meters or more away from a Black Mamba you are perfectly safe and will not be bitten.

Read some true facts about the Black Mamba here. 

African Snakebite Institute