One of the medium sized scorpions in southern Africa reaching a length of around 10cm with the tail extended. It is usually pale orange with a darker back.
Full name: Drab Thicktail Scorpion (Parabuthus planicauda)
Classification: VENOMOUS
One of the medium sized scorpions in southern Africa reaching a length of around 10cm with the tail extended. It is usually pale orange with a darker back.
It occupies Karoo habitat and can be found under rocks, logs and other debris. It is endemic to South Africa, occurring in the Eastern Cape, Western Cape and Free State provinces. Often confused with the Cape Thicktail Scorpion as size and colour are similar, however, this species has longer pincers.
The venom may be of medical importance, however, antivenom is generally not required and the sting will be treated symptomatically.