A small scorpion of under 4.5 cm with the tail extended. This species is usually dark grey to brown with light yellow legs, tail and pincers.
Full name: Plain Pygmy-Thicktail Scorpion (Pseudolychas ochraceus)
Classification: MILDLY VENOMOUS
A small scorpion of under 4.5 cm with the tail extended. This species is usually dark grey to brown with light yellow legs, tail and pincers.
It is probably the most commonly encountered scorpion in houses in Gauteng. It occurs north into Limpopo, Mpumalanga, North-west and south into the Free State. It also occurs in Swaziland.
This common species occurs under debris such as logs, leaves and rocks. It also ventures into houses.
The venom is of little consequence to humans and stings, although painful, are not medically important.