Speckled Pygmy-thicktail

A small scorpion of under 4 cm with the tail extended. This species is orange to yellow with darker speckling across the body, legs and tail.  The arms are yellow with a dark segment just before the pincers and dark-tipped pincers.

Full name: Speckled Pygmy-thicktail (Afrolychas burdoi)

Classification: MILDLY VENOMOUS

Map indicating distribution of the Speckled Pygmy-thicktail scorpion in Southern Africa

A small scorpion of under 4 cm with the tail extended. This species is orange to yellow with darker speckling across the body, legs and tail.  The arms are yellow with a dark segment just before the pincers and dark-tipped pincers.

It is a commonly encountered scorpion in the eastern lowveld of South Africa, eastern Zimbabwe and Mozambique. It is often found in leaf litter and under the bark of trees.

The venom is not dangerous to humans, but the sting burns and there are reports of pain and discomfort for up to five days after a sting.

African Snakebite Institute