The Anchieta’s Cobra is very similar to the Snouted Cobra in both appearance and behaviour. It occurs from central Namibia into Angola, northern Botswana, Zambia and north-western Zimbabwe.
Full Name: Anchieta’s Cobra (Naja anchietae)
Classification: HIGHLY VENOMOUS
The Anchieta’s Cobra is very similar to the Snouted Cobra in both appearance and behaviour. It occurs from central Namibia into Angola, northern Botswana, Zambia and north-western Zimbabwe. Individuals are orange-brown to purple-brown and banded varieties are also found. This snake has 17 midbody scale rows (the Snouted Cobra has 19). Maximum size is around 2.7 m. It seldom features in snakebite incidents but will spread an impressive hood if threatened.
The venom of this snake is predominantly neurotoxic but may also cause blistering and tissue damage. Because of its size a bite from Anchieta’s Cobra could result in alarming symptoms.