The Common Purple-glossed Snake is a large fossorial snake, averaging 50–75 cm in length. It lives underground or in thick leaf litter where it hunts for lizards and snakes.
Full Name: Common Purple-glossed Snake (Amblyodipsas polylepis)
Classification: MILDLY VENOMOUS

The Common Purple-glossed Snake is a large fossorial snake, averaging 50–75 cm in length. It lives underground or in thick leaf litter where it hunts for lizards and snakes.
This snake moves around at night, especially after rain. It may also be dug up during excavations.
If threatened it may hide its head under the body and move the tail tip so as to distract the aggressor and protect its head.
It may be confused with the venomous Stiletto Snakes but has different scalation on the head.
This is a placid snake that rarely attempts to bite. Its venom is mild and may cause some swelling.