The Egyptian Cobra is a large cobra, reaching 2.5m in length. It is widespread in central, eastern and northern Africa. The Moroccan population is treated as a subspecies.
Full Name: Egyptian Cobra (Naja haje)
Classification: HIGHLY VENOMOUS

The Egyptian Cobra is a large cobra, reaching 2.5m in length. It is widespread in central, eastern and northern Africa. The Moroccan population is treated as a subspecies.
Individuals are orange-brown to purple-brown, yellow or black often with a black head. The throat usually has a dark broad band. It is a shy snake, usually escaping into the nearest bush, but will spread an impressive hood if threatened.
The venom of this snake is predominantly neurotoxic but may also cause blistering and tissue damage. Because of its size a bite from an Egyptian Cobra could result in alarming symptoms.