Found in semi-desert and dry savanna. It is very common in its range and accounts for many snakebites and fatalities a year.
Full Name: North-east African Carpet Viper (Echis pyramidum)
Classification: HIGHLY VENOMOUS

Found in semi-desert and dry savanna. It is very common in its range and accounts for many snakebites and fatalities a year.
They are nocturnal and many people stand on them at night. It is an ambush hunter that will coil up into a striking position and await its prey. During the day they hide under brush piles, logs and rocks or in holes. When harassed, the Carpet Vipers coil and uncoil, creating a hissing noise with the scales.
The Egyptian Carpet Viper’s venom is potently cytotoxic, causing severe pain, swelling, blistering and in many cases severe tissue damage. Bivalent antivenom is effective and should be administered.