A small cobra reaching a maximum length of around 1.5 meters. The Red Spitting Cobra is active at night, hiding during the day.
Full Name: Red Spitting Cobra (Naja pallida)
Classification: HIGHLY VENOMOUS

A small cobra reaching a maximum length of around 1.5 meters. The Red Spitting Cobra is active at night, hiding during the day.
This cobra is especially fond of eating frogs and will often venture to human dwellings in search of water and amphibians.
When threatened this snake will stand tall, spread a narrow hood and spit its venom. Once threatened it will not hesitate to bite.
The venom of this snake is potently cytotoxic causing pain, swelling, blistering and possibly tissue damage. Polyvalent antivenom should be used in cases of severe envenomation. This species often comes into houses at night and may bite people.