The Rhino-horned Viper is widespread over much of the tropical forests of the equators. It is a heavy-bodied snake that relies on its excellent camouflage and is reluctant to move.
Full Name: Rhino-horned Viper (Bitis nasicornis)
Classification: HIGHLY VENOMOUS

The Rhino-horned Viper is widespread over much of the tropical forests of the equators. It is a heavy-bodied snake that relies on its excellent camouflage and is reluctant to move.
This snake is an ambush hunter that will coil up into a striking position and await its prey. It is fond of marshy areas and is often seen swimming and is equally comfortable at climbing. They are nocturnal, usually hiding in leaf litter during the day.
The Rhino-horned viper’s venom is potently cytotoxic, causing severe pain, swelling, blistering and in many cases severe tissue damage. Polyvalent antivenom is effective and should be administered.