Spotted Bush Snake

A common, slender green snake that usually has dark spots on the first third of the body and a plain green or coppery-brown tail. The eyes are bright orange and the chin and upper lips pale.

Full Name: Spotted Bush Snake (Philothamnus semivariegatus)

Classification: HARMLESS

Map indicating the distribution of the Spotted Bush Snake (Philothamnus semivariegatus) within Africa.

A common, slender green snake that usually has dark spots on the first third of the body and a plain green or coppery-brown tail. The eyes are bright orange and the chin and upper lips pale. This snake is an excellent climber and moves with ease in trees, up face-brick walls or in rafters and roofs of buildings. It actively hunts for lizards, especially geckos, but will also eat frogs, bats, birds and rodents. It is often mistaken for a Green Mamba or Boomslang and needlessly killed. Neither of these snakes have dark spots on the front half of the body. The Spotted Bush Snake is harmless but bites readily if handled, causing some bleeding.

African Snakebite Institute