The Black Spitting Cobra occurs north-east from Cape Town through the Cederberg and northwards into much of Namaqualand extending east to Upington, Tswalu and Witsand Nature Reserves and north into southern Namibia.
Full Name: Black Spitting Cobra (Naja nigricincta woodi)
Other Names: Swartspoegslang; Swartspoegkobra
Classification: HIGHLY VENOMOUS

The Black Spitting Cobra occurs north-east from Cape Town through the Cederberg and northwards into much of Namaqualand extending east to Upington, Tswalu and Witsand Nature Reserves and north into southern Namibia.
It is active during the day and favours dry riverbeds and rocky hills. It is a shy and elusive snake that is quick to escape if encountered.
Bites are extremely rare. Its venom, like that of all spitting cobras, is potently cytotoxic, causing severe pain, swelling and tissue damage. It also has the ability to spit its venom and does so effectively. It feeds on snakes, lizards and frogs.