A slender and docile snake that averages around 30cm but can exceed 40cm in length. These secretive snakes hide under bark and in the cracks of trees. They hunt lizards and skinks and have been observed using the orange tail tip to lure lizards into striking range. They often hang from branches whilst swallowing prey.
Full Name: Eastern Bark Snake (Hemirhagerrhis nototaenia)
Other Names: Oostelike basslang
Classification: MILDLY VENOMOUS

A slender and docile snake that averages around 30cm but can exceed 40cm in length. These secretive snakes hide under bark and in the cracks of trees. They hunt lizards and skinks and have been observed using the orange tail tip to lure lizards into striking range. They often hang from branches whilst swallowing prey.
They occupy moist and arid savanna as well as lowland forest. This well-camouflaged snake is cryptic between the bark of trees where it ambushes its prey. When handled it seldom attempts to bite and the venom of this species has virtually no effect on humans.