A bright green snake that in South Africa inhabits coastal KZN and is usually only found within a few kilometres of the sea. In Mozambique and Zimbabwe, the distribution may extend further inland. It is often confused with harmless green snakes of the genus Philothamnus and the green Boomslang.
Full Name: Green Mamba (Dendroaspis angusticeps)
Other Names: Groenmamba
Classification: HIGHLY VENOMOUS

A bright green snake that in South Africa inhabits coastal KZN and is usually only found within a few kilometres of the sea. In Mozambique and Zimbabwe, the distribution may extend further inland. It is often confused with harmless green snakes of the genus Philothamnus and the green Boomslang.
The Green Mamba spends most of its life in dense coastal vegetation and moist woodlands where it hunts for tree-living mammals as well as birds during the day. Its venom is potently neurotoxic but may also cause swelling. Antivenom is effective but bites are quite rare. Juveniles have a long head and are often green and turquoise. This species is not known from eSwatini or inland South Africa.