A robust, slow-moving snake that averages 35-50 cm in length but may reach 85 cm. It is nocturnal and inhabits humic soil in well-wooded and forested areas as well as grassland where it is seldom seen.
Full Name: Natal Purple-glossed Snake (Amblyodipsas concolor)
Other Names: Natalse Persglansslang
Classification: MILDLY VENOMOUS

A robust, slow-moving snake that averages 35-50 cm in length but may reach 85 cm. It is nocturnal and inhabits humic soil in well-wooded and forested areas as well as grassland where it is seldom seen.
It feeds on other snakes and lizards. This snake is back-fanged but mildly venomous and is not considered dangerous to humans.
Unfortunately, it is easily mistaken for the venomous stiletto snake and should never be handled for this reason. If the underside of the tail is visible, this snake has paired subcaudal scales whereas the Natal Black Snake and stiletto snake have single subcaudal scales.