A small adder that averages 25 cm in length. This is a desert specialist that inhabits the soft wind-blown dunes of the Namib Desert.
Full Name: Péringuey’s Adder (Bitis peringueyi)
Other Names: Péringuey se Adder; Namibduinadder
Classification: VENOMOUS

A small adder that averages 25 cm in length. This is a desert specialist that inhabits the soft wind-blown dunes of the Namib Desert.
It is well known for its ability to sidewind, which is the only effective way to negotiate the soft, unstable dune sand. It also buries itself in the sand to escape heat and to await its prey in ambush. The eyes are positioned on the top of the head allowing them to see prey whilst buried. It is a lizard specialist, preferring sand lizards of the genus Meroles as well as barking geckos.
The venom of this snake is mildly cytotoxic, causing pain and some swelling, but is not considered dangerous to humans. Antivenom is not required or effective for this species.