A secretive snake that is largely seen at night especially on roads. It is slate grey in colour with 19 – 38 pale bands on the body and tail that fade with age. Juveniles are vividly marked alternating black and tan or orange bands.
Full Name: Sundevall’s Garter Snake (Elapsoidea sundevallii sundevallii)
Other Names: Sundevall se Kousbandslang
Classification: VENOMOUS

A secretive snake that is largely seen at night especially on roads. It is slate grey in colour with 19 – 38 pale bands on the body and tail that fade with age. Juveniles are vividly marked alternating black and tan or orange bands.
It favours the wetter regions of southern Africa like the Natal Midlands and KZN south coast. It feeds on other snakes, lizards, frogs and rodents.
Bites are rare but it is known to cause nausea, vomiting, pain, swelling and blurred vision. This snake may be able to inflict a serious bite, especially to a small child.