A harmless snake that feeds on slugs and snails. Adults average 30 cm but may reach a length of 40 cm. This snake is secretive and slow-moving and may be encountered during the day or at night, usually moving along in decaying vegetation. It is quite common in parts of its distribution. Unlike the Common Slug-eater, this snake does not roll into a protective spiral.
Full Name: Variegated Slug-eater (Duberria variegata)
Other Names: Gevlekte Slakvreter
Classification: HARMLESS

A harmless snake that feeds on slugs and snails. Adults average 30 cm but may reach a length of 40 cm. This snake is secretive and slow-moving and may be encountered during the day or at night, usually moving along in decaying vegetation. It is quite common in parts of its distribution. Unlike the Common Slug-eater, this snake does not roll into a protective spiral.
The Variegated Slug-eater ranges in colour from plain light brown with no markings to chocolate brown with dark spots to grey-black with lighter sides or brick red with darker markings. It is endemic to KwaZulu-Natal and southern Mozambique, occurring from Richards Bay to Inhambane.