These common spiders are often found around human dwellings – in the garage, under window sills, in the swimming pool pump box… They build a messy web and have large white, spiky egg sacs.
Full Name: Brown Button Spider (Family Theridiidae)
Other Names: Bruin knopiespinnekoppe
These common spiders are often found around human dwellings – in the garage, under window sills, in the swimming pool pump box… They build a messy web and have large white, spiky egg sacs. They are usually a brown colour with darker bands on the joint of each leg. The abdomen is grey to white often with a series of dots. The characteristic hourglass shape under the abdomen is orange to red. They are inoffensive and when disturbed, drop to the floor in a tight ball with the legs tucked in. Bites are rare and usually occur when the spiders are squashed by accident in clothes or when lifting a box and trapping the spider with your fingers. The venom is highly neurotoxic and causes pain, sweating, nausea, disorientation and shortness of the breath. A bite from a Brown Button Spider is unpleasant, but easily treatable and no deaths have been recorded.