These small charismatic spiders are common around human dwellings, in the garden and on walls in and out the house. They are free-living, not building webs and hunt with their good vision.
Full Name: Jumping Spider (Family Salticidae)
Other names: Springspinnekop
Classification: HARMLESS
These small charismatic spiders are common around human dwellings, in the garden and on walls in and out the house. They are free-living, not building webs and hunt with their good vision. They feed on flies and mosquitoes and a range of other small insects. They come in a huge variety of colours and sizes but are usually smaller than a pea. They are quite intelligent, with good vision. You can watch them calculating the distances between objects they want to jump to or insects they are hunting. These spiders can jump about 30cm. They cannot bite people or pets and are great to have around the house to control insects.