Nursery-web Spider

These spiders are very common in gardens and occasionally come into houses. They are usually larger than a R5 coin.

Full Name: Nursery-web Spider (Family Pisauridae)

Classification: HARMLESS

These spiders are very common in gardens and occasionally come into houses. They are usually larger than a R5 coin. The Nursery-web Spider is grey to brown in colour often with a pale stripe or two down the thorax and abdomen. They can be found moving around, but often have messy webs in plants. They are harmless to humans and pets and seldom attempt to bite. They frequent gardens and are often found in large numbers at night when they search for insect prey. Some of the species are well known for hunting in and around water and have been seen catching small fish and tadpoles.

Map indicating the distribution of Nursery-web Spiders, within Southern Africa
African Snakebite Institute