These are free living spiders often found in plants and in houses where they build a silk sac under which they hide or lay eggs. They are a cream-white to pale yellow or reddish-brown with distinct black or dark mouth pieces.
Full Name: Sac Spider (Cheiracanthium sp)
Other Names: Huis Sakspinnekoppe
These are free living spiders often found in plants and in houses where they build a silk sac under which they hide or lay eggs. They are a cream-white to pale yellow or reddish-brown with distinct black or dark mouth pieces. Despite disputes, this species does possess a cytotoxic venom and bites can result in tissue damage and should be treated as an open wound. If the wound goes septic or necrotic it is best to get to a hospital and go on a course of Prophylactic antibiotics. There are no deaths from this species.
More info on their medical significance can be found here.