African Snakebite Institute – Volunteer Program

The African Snakebite Institute receives regular requests regarding volunteer work, largely from people who are passionate about reptiles and would like to gain more experience. We run a structured volunteer program, that all potential volunteers need to follow.


Please download and read through the two documents below, in order to understand our Volunteer requirements. 


1. ASI Volunteer Program

2. ASI Course Photography Guidelines

3. ASI Course Instruction Manual level 1

4. ASI Course Instruction Manual level 2

Should  you be interested in becoming an ASI Volunteer, please complete the form below, in order for us to load all your information onto our system.


  • Max. file size: 128 MB.
  • Emergency contact info:

  • Indemnity

    By digitally signing this form, the participant agrees to attend activities organised by The African Snakebite Institute (Proprietary) Limited (“Company”) on the understanding that the participant appreciates, understands and consents to being involved in potentially hazardous activities, such as being in close proximity to venomous creatures including snakes, and that the participant undertakes these activities at their own risk and of their own free will. The participant hereby irrevocably and unconditionally agrees that the Company, its shareholders, members, associates, employees and representatives shall not be held responsible for loss or damage to property, injury to the participant and loss of life or consequential damages that may occur from any cause whatsoever. The participant and his/her dependents, heirs, executors, administrators and assigns hereby indemnify, absolve and hold blameless and harmless the Company, its shareholders, members, associates, employees, representatives, helpers and agents from any liability for any claims whether arising from any deliberate, negligent or reckless act or omission whatsoever and without limitation from any claim arising from loss or damage to property or injury or illness or death arising from any cause whatsoever during the activities.
  • The African Snakebite Institute reserves the right to remove any Volunteer from the ASI Volunteers list who does not adhere to the rules of the Volunteer Program.
  • Confirmation:

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
African Snakebite Institute